Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Initial research for a new film magazine

What does the cover look like and features of the cover?

My first thought of film magazines looking at the cover is that they are very bold,eye-catching, and have bright colours.The film magazine i focused on is called Empire, and was issued  in Febuary 2014.The cover is very in your face and there is a lot on one page so there is a lot to look at. The cover is crammed  with a a lot of writing and images.On most covers of film magazines, there is one big heading, and then smaller headings and smaller font, not all the writing on one cover is the same, more than one font is used,more than one size and there more than one heading.The cover does not just focus on one film, the main focus is one film but it also includes information about others.The cover focuses on target audiences to pull in customers,by using famous people that most people know.On the cover of this film magazine the background is very dark which contrasts to the titles and writing which is bright and bold.

Does it have a centre page spread?

The magazine does have a centre page spread with the character on the cover and some from other movies or different characters from the movie off the front cover.The actor or actress usually talks about past events, the movie and upcoming movies or and events they will be attending.This attracts young audiences because they like to keep up with their favourite celebrities and know if they will be in new movies and what they liked about the movie.The main focus of this page is the title which is the first thing your eyes attach to.The centre page is the main page of the magazine,so the readers expect that to be the best page, which means if the readers like that page they will buy the magazine, because they think that the magazine as a a whole will be great.

Does it have interviews?

There are interviews included in this film magazine,with characters from different films, these are included because it attracts to readers that like to hear about different actors and their lives, including their future film plans and big events they will attending.This is how readers find out about extra details abut films for exampe they could find out exclusive information about their favourite actor/actress or film.

Contests for readers?

The magazine includes contests for readers so that they can attract as many target audiences as possible,  older audiences may not be realed in by the cover or by film reviews, so the magazine company includes contests for them.Elderley people seem to only buy magazines like this for contest like for example wordsearches, when younger people would not be attracted to them as much.

Film reviews?

In this film magazine, there are film reviews included because this helps readers to know what films to consider watching and what ones are recommended by different people.This targets certain people who buy this magazine just for the film reviews, so that they know what to watch next and the opinon of other people on different movies.Film magazines have to include something for all readers such as film reviews so that they target all audiances and pull the readers in.

 In comparison to another film magazine

The one thing most film magazines all had in common was , that they all focused on one character from a movie as the main focus of the cover, and then added information about other films and acter/actresses .Most film magazine covers are the same so that they all catch the eye of readers,to draw them in to buy and read it.

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